Libero Canto, Voice is Breath
Directed by Andrea Simon
In 2001, award winning director Andrea Simon made the film, “Libero Canto – Voice is Breath,” (55 minutes) about Edvin Szamosi’s work, and the history of the Libero Canto approach. “The path to free singing” was first developed by Lajos Szamosi in Budapest before the Second World War. This unprecedented pedagogic approach was carried on and further developed by Lajos’ son, Edvin Szamosi, who taught singing in Vienna and New York City for more than 50 years, until his death in 2014. Although the film was made almost 20 years ago, it still serves as an inspiring introduction to the approach, which continues to evolve and thrive through the work of dedicated teachers and students in many cities including New York, Toronto, Florence, The Hague, and Budapest.
Through interviews and footage of lessons and rehearsals, “Libero Canto – Voice is Breath” draws the viewer into the musical and human evolution of Edvin Szamosi’s students both in New York and in Vienna. The care, love, and attention to detail with which the film is made reflect these same qualities in Edvin’s teaching. With gentleness, rigor, and humor, Mr. Szamosi guides his students towards increasing freedom, spontaneity, and authenticity.
We believe that this film will be of interest to many different people, among them singing teachers, music teachers, teachers of children, singers, musicians, actors, dancers, anyone in the performing arts, and anyone interested in the arts, pedagogy or psychology. We hope that some people who see this film may want to find out more about the path to free singing, and that some may be inspired to study it.