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Ágról Ágra, Hungarian Festival

Hungarian Festival 233 Somerset St, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Ágról Ágra: from Branch to Branch is a unique and dynamic a cappella program of Hungarian folk songs presented in their traditional forms and as arrangements by contemporary composers Song Yi Jeon, Guillermo Klein, and Libero Canto’s own Marisa Michelson, and Sara Serpa, alongside original songs by Béla Bartók, one of Hungary’s most revered composers and folk song collectors.

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Ágról Ágra, Harmonie Hall

Harmonie Hall 4372 Fleming St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

Ágról Ágra: from Branch to Branch is a unique and dynamic a cappella program of Hungarian folk songs presented in their traditional forms and as arrangements by contemporary composers Song Yi Jeon, Guillermo Klein, and Libero Canto’s own Marisa Michelson, and Sara Serpa, alongside original songs by Béla Bartók, one of Hungary’s most revered composers and folk song collectors.

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Ágról Ágra, Washington DC

Private Residence, Washington D.C.

Ágról Ágra: from Branch to Branch is a unique and dynamic a cappella program of Hungarian folk songs presented in their traditional forms and as arrangements by contemporary composers Song Yi Jeon, Guillermo Klein, and Libero Canto’s own Marisa Michelson, and Sara Serpa, alongside original songs by Béla Bartók, one of Hungary’s most revered composers and folk song collectors.

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Ágról Ágra, Mettabee Farm and Arts

Mettabee Farm and Arts 551 Harlemville Rd, Hillsdale, NY, United States

Ágról Ágra: from Branch to Branch is a unique and dynamic a cappella program of Hungarian folk songs presented in their traditional forms and as arrangements by contemporary composers Song Yi Jeon, Guillermo Klein, and Libero Canto’s own Marisa Michelson, and Sara Serpa, alongside original songs by Béla Bartók, one of Hungary’s most revered composers and folk song collectors.

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Ágról Ágra, Bombyx Center for Arts and Equity

Bombyx Center for Arts and Equity 130 Pine St., Northampton, MA, United States

Ágról Ágra: from Branch to Branch is a unique and dynamic a cappella program of Hungarian folk songs presented in their traditional forms and as arrangements by contemporary composers Song Yi Jeon, Guillermo Klein, and Libero Canto’s own Marisa Michelson, and Sara Serpa, alongside original songs by Béla Bartók, one of Hungary’s most revered composers and folk song collectors.

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La via al Libero Canto – An Introduction to the Vocal Pedagogy of Lajos Szamosi

Magyar Zene Háza könyvtára Olof Palme sétány 3, Budapest, Hungary

Kinga Cserjési, singing teacher of the Libero Canto School in New York City, will give a lecture about the Libero Canto Approach at the Library of the House of Music, in Budapest, Hungary on
January 9th at 5pm CET (the lecture will also be viewable via Live Stream). During this talk you will hear a short summary of the history, the background philosophy, and the main principles of the Libero Canto Approach (la via al libero canto - the path to free singing). Kinga Cserjési will also give introductory lessons to volunteers from the audience, to demonstrate how Lajos Szamosi’s pedagogy unfolds in practice.

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La via al Libero Canto – A szabad éneklés útja Bevezetés Szamosi Lajos énekpedagógiájába

Magyar Zene Háza könyvtára Olof Palme sétány 3, Budapest, Hungary

Cserjési Kinga, a New York-i Libero Canto Énekiskola tanára, előadást tart a Libero Canto Énekpedagógiáról január 9-én, kedden 17 órai kezdettel, Budapesten, a Zene Háza könyvtárában. Az előadás alatt az érdeklődők megismerkedhetnek a La Via al Libero Canto - A szabad éneklés útja énekpedagógia történetével, filozófiai hátterével és alapelveivel. Kinga ezenkívül néhány rövid bemutató órát is felajánl a jelenlévőknek, hogy a gyakorlatban is megtapasztalhassák Szamosi Lajos énekpedagógiáját.

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Salve mater fons amoris – Church of St. Monica

The Church of St Monica 413 E 79th St, New York, NY, United States

Salve mater fons amoris, (Hail Mother, Fountain of Love) is a musical meditation on motherly love through the lens of three exquisite Baroque pieces. To RSVP please email [email protected]. A cash donation for The St. Monica Concert Series will be accepted at the door.

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Salve mater fons amoris – St. Ignatius of Antioch

Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church 552 West End Ave, New York, NY, United States

Salve mater fons amoris, (Hail Mother, Fountain of Love) is a musical meditation on motherly love through the lens of three exquisite Baroque pieces. To RSVP please email [email protected]. We will be accepting a door donation for the Morocco Earthquake Response fund.

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Singing Workshop, Budapest/ Ének Kurzus, Budapesten

“I left my beautiful homeland”
Songs, folksong arrangements, ensemble pieces by Béla Bartók

Singing lessons and masterclasses with Kinga Cserjési.

August 22nd – 26th

Kodály School on Marczibányi tér
1022 Budapest
Marczibányi tér 1

The workshop will end with an informal student recital on Saturday, August 26 at 4pm.

For more info please contact: [email protected] +36 30 231 8891


“Elindultam Szép Hazámbúl”
Bartók Béla dalai, népdalfeldolgozásai, kórusművei

Az egyéni énekórákat és a délutáni mesterkurzusokat Cserjési Kinga tartja.

Augusztus 22-26 2023

Marczibányi téri Kodály Iskola
1022 Budapest
Marczibányi tér 1

A rövid kurzust augusztus 26-án, szombaton, 16h-kor egy hangulatos növendék hangversennyel zárjuk.

További információ az alábbi elérhetőségeken kérhető, [email protected] +36 30 231 8891

Ágról Ágra, Southampton, NY

Southampton Arts Center 25 Jobs Lane, Southampton, NY, United States

Ágról Ágra
From Branch to Branch

Kinga Cserjési
Deborah Carmichael
Marisa Michelson
Margot Bassett Silver

All donations will go to supporting public art at the Southampton Arts Center in honor of sculptor Strong-Cuevas, January 22, 1929 – March 19, 2023.

Let us know you will attend by registering through the Southampton Arts Center by clicking here.

Ágról Ágra, Amagansett, NY

Amagansett Life-Saving Station 160 Atlantic Ave, Amagansett, NY

Ágról Ágra
From Branch to Branch

Kinga Cserjési
Deborah Carmichael
Marisa Michelson
Margot Bassett Silver

All donations go to The Amagansett Life-Saving Station

Let us know you will be attending by emailing us at [email protected] or clicking here.